Disposable Path Auger (Screw) Valves
The Disposable Path Auger Valve is intended for 2 part epoxies that have been mixed and packaged into a standard pneumatic syringe. It is ideal for applications that require small dot shots or lines of quick setting and thick 2 part resins.
As most people who use Pre-Mixed or Pre-Mixed and Frozen epoxy know, it is difficult to dispense using a standard pneumatic syringe dispenser. This is because the material thickens quickly over time. Volumetric Displacement from the Auger Valve removes this problem. A disposable Delrin auger screw, and disposable Nylon and Viton adapters attach a standard disposable syringe to the valve. The auger pathway is quickly accessed through the doorway and can be replaced in moments - rather than clean the valve.As the material thickens, you still have the same volume being dispensed. |
The Disposable Path valve controller (shown above) will both regulate the air pressure to keep the fluid feeding intothe valve and make it possible to adjust the motor speed and time needed to dispense the shot size required.
The digital timer can accept time intervals from 0.01 seconds – 99.99 seconds. A reverse timer and speed control sets the amount of controlled suck-back at the end of the dispense cycle. Save up to 8 programs for different shot sizes, or run in manual mode to lay down lines. Perfect for use on a desktop stand or in robotic automation. Contact an IDS representativeContact for a formal quote on a full system today. Specifications
Part No. Description
707000-DISP Disposable Path Auger Valve Controller 706000-DISP Disposable Path Auger Valve Re-Order Path by Pitch: 706000-DISP-SP6 Disposable Path Auger - 6 pitch (10 pack) 706000-DISP-SP8 Disposable Path Auger - 8 pitch (10 pack) 706000-DISP-SP16 Disposable Path Auger - 16 pitch (10 pack) |
Dispensing Solder Paste?
The standard Auger Screw valve may be a better choice. Click here to take a look. Remember to order some dispensing tips too!
Click Here to see your options. |